Can Veneers Get Cavities?

If you are dealing with various dental cosmetic issues, veneers are an excellent way to upgrade your smile!

What veneers are not, however, is an excuse not to take care of your oral health and skip essential oral hygiene tasks like brushing or flossing your teeth. Veneers are a commitment, and your cosmetic dentist will provide you with lots of tips on how to properly maintain them.

But why do you need to go all through this hassle? Is it because veneers can get cavities, just like natural teeth?

Let’s unpack it.

How Do Veneers Work?

Think of veneers as new “faces” for your teeth. They are usually made from porcelain or composite and are designed to cover the front surface of the natural tooth.

Veneers are very thin, but they can still cover:

  • Bad staining or discoloration
  • Minor chips and cracks
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Irregularly sized teeth
  • Misshapen teeth, etc.

To get veneers in Windsor, the dentist will need to shave a tiny bit of tooth enamel to create a rough surface texture. This allows the veneer to properly bond to the tooth and keep it steady.

So, Can a Veneer Get Cavities?

Veneers can’t get cavities because they are made from porcelain. However, your natural teeth can still develop cavities and other types of oral health issues even if you have veneers on!

Since veneers only cover the front of the tooth, the rest of it is still exposed to food particles and harmful bacteria present in the mouth. This means that if you skip on brushing and flossing, you can still get cavities, tooth infections, gum disease, and more. Veneers will not protect you from them.

What Happens If You Get Cavities After Veneers?

Unfortunately, even if the veneer can’t get cavities, it can still end up damaged if you develop cavities later on.

In some cases, the dentist may be able to treat the cavity without disturbing the veneer, but this very much depends on where the cavity forms and if the dentist has easy access to it. Most often than not, the dentist will need to remove the veneer to treat the tooth.

If this happens, you will need to replace the veneer. Because of the prepping process, veneers are an irreversible procedure, so you will not be able to go back to your natural smile.

Interested in Veneers? We Can Help

If you are dealing with dental cosmetic issues and are wondering if veneers are right for you, Dr. Daniel Banks and Dr. Jacob Dunham are here to help. During your consultation, you can find out the most optimal path to getting the smile you’ve always wanted!

To get started, request a consultation at Water Valley Dental.

Have more questions about veneers or our other services? Then you can call us directly at (970) 460-8989 for a short chat!

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