Tooth Extractions in Windsor

Learn more about tooth extractions

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If you have a troublesome tooth in Windsor and think you may require a tooth extraction, Dr. Daniel Banks and Dr. Jacob Dunham can help. At Water Valley Dental, we offer gentle, pain-free extractions. Contact us online to schedule an appointment, or get more information about tooth extractions below.


Did you know…

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85% of wisdom teeth eventually need to be removed.

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What Can I Expect From Tooth Extractions?

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Clean & numb your mouth

First, your mouth will be cleaned and numbed by Dr. Banks or Dr. Dunham to prepare for the procedure. Numbing the area allows us to make sure you are comfortable during your procedure. If you are anxious about your extraction, you can also be sedated, if necessary.

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Loosen & remove the tooth

Dr. Banks or Dr. Dunham will use dental instruments to finesse the tooth out of the socket. For teeth that are not fully erupted, sometimes an incision will be made in the gum to allow access to the tooth for extraction.

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Clean & suture the extraction site

Once the tooth has been removed, the area will be cleaned, sanitized, and sutured shut to encourage proper healing. The entire process will be repeated if you are having multiple teeth removed.

What can I expect at a sedation consultation?

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Treatment Review

First, your dentist will review your treatment plan to determine if sedation is a good option for your procedure. Certain types of sedation are recommended, or necessary, for more invasive or lengthy dental procedures. But there are others that are better for relieving tension and anxiety.

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Health Evaluation

Your dentist will discuss your health history and overall health to determine if sedation is appropriate for you. Certain issues, like past drug addiction, the use of certain prescription medications, and some health problems may affect your ability to be sedated with your chosen method.

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Needs & Concerns

Your dentist will ask questions to determine your particular needs and concerns. How deeply do you wish to be sedated? What is making you anxious about your procedure? Do you have a low pain threshold? An honest conversation about the answers will help determine which sedation options will be appropriate for you. 

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Recommendations & Options

With the information your dentist has collected, they will lay out all your available sedation options and discuss with you each one’s effects and instructions. With their recommendation and your input, we can help you choose the right option for your procedure.

Types Of Tooth Extractions We Offer

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Basic Extractions

Basic extractions are used to extract teeth that have been damaged or destroyed by oral trauma, extensive decay, or serious gum disease. In this process, the tooth is simply loosened then finessed out of the socket.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

If your wisdom teeth are not erupting properly, they may need to be removed to preserve your oral health. Fully erupted wisdom teeth can be removed with basic extractions.

However, if the wisdom tooth has not fully erupted and is “impacted,” a surgical extraction may be required. In this process, Dr. Banks or Dr Dunham will make an incision in the gum tissue near the tooth. This allow access to the tooth for extraction.

Have Questions About Tooth Extractions? Find Answers Here

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Do Extractions Hurt?

No. Your mouth will be completely numb during the extraction process. Whether you’re getting a basic extraction or a wisdom tooth extraction, you will not feel any pain. You can also choose to be sedated during your procedure for your comfort.

However, it is normal for your tooth to hurt after your treatment. Pain usually peaks within 1-3 days of the procedure. Dr. Banks or Dr. Dunham will provide you with a set of instructions that will ensure you recover quickly, and can minimize discomfort after your extraction. Make sure to follow all of these steps as your mouth heals.

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What Are The Signs That I Need Extractions?

If you have a tooth that has been seriously damaged due to oral trauma, has an extensive cavity or tooth infection, or that has been loosened and damaged by gum disease, you may require a tooth extraction.

In addition, wisdom teeth extractions may be necessary if your wisdom teeth are growing in and you notice problems like pain and stiffness in your jaw, swelling and inflammation of the gums near the rear of your mouth, and difficulty opening your mouth. Contact Dr. Banks or Dr. Dunham for a consultation to see if extractions are right for you.

Did you know…

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9 out of 10 adults have impacted wisdom teeth.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

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  • Mon: 8:00am - 3:30pm
  • Tue: 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • Wed: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thurs: 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • FRI: 8:00am - 3:30pm